Dec/Jan was silent and still, from browns to speckled white to transparent coatings of ice. A meandering walk over the hills, fields and bogs found the grazing traces of boar, woodpeckers, deer and rabbits...floral growth... the summer projects' stamina of weathering: an environmental temporality.
The snow silenced the Ranch to a ghostly spatter of morse coded patches of white and grey. The photographic series developing over the years of micro and macro landscapes, woods, states of decay forming habitats, turfed fields, orchard trees has begun to take form. Also Ray's photos inspired this coagulating series when he captured red apple fruits still on the branch in winter on his visit in Jan 08. Photos under the heading 'die Waelder und die Welten' are a mixture of his and mine. The title is the result of numerous discussions with Gabor of Gerhard Richter's Wald and my pestering for him to translate fragments of it. Upon emailing these images to him and Ines, the title returned into the inbox. The translation awaits. (oh and I can't find the book now, must have lent it to someone...) (Images by R. Vysniauskas & K. Kotov)