The Folded Landscape for a Suitcase was born.
Found ply was measured, 2d and Rhino models bounced back and forth, details to fold the site and fit it in my carry on luggage measured. The laser cutter was not so happy cutting this found ply. Much black soot pervaded the workshop and suitcase, but in the end this charring gave a type of tone that fitted the Ranch landscape.
The topographical survey had been commissioned in spring 2010 when the water in the streams are highest. Various changes since 2010 will be sculpted in over the winter months: the new Barn 2b had usurped the smaller Barn 2 in 2014, two wells instead of one, and the felled trees were now a horizontal architecture of mazes (constructed by Yvonne Onah and Jiri Hanzlik during the 2014 Summer Session) & healthy forest growing vertical branches at 90 degrees.
This model will be sanded and sculpted to accept the changes over time, slices taken out and replaced, sanded when larger smoother areas are adjusted. Small caricatures of these changes and existing buildings, materials of these will come found offcuts at the Ranch: copper, willow, wire etc. Thank you to Chris Settle, head technician FABlab, Jordan Whitewood-Neal and Greg Howes, both UCA Canterbury School of Architecture degree students.