barn 2 B | TABLET | Chapter 5: labelling
Nov 2013: The labelling of the barn 2 B is completed before the winter months. The tablet's Chapter 5: labelling set formed the working drawings. The sophistication of the tablet versed the very analogue of on site labelling tools:
1 no. 2 part ladder
1 no. bucket of white emulsion paint
1 no. basic (yellow) lettering stencil
1 no. paintbrush
reference documentation: tablet + LS_00-LS_13 (printed mark-up set)
The crumbled timbers to the north wall were identified, measured for length to match the scanned timbers in there place and given their numbered notation. The north upper roof section ('Kruppel Valm') had collapsed some time before the scan was made. These additional pieces were given a new unique identifying number:
These pieces are weathered beyond reuse as a building component.
RNc, RNf, RNg were packed in a long roll and sent to London with a man and his van.
RNf (a fragment) travelled by plane in a suitcase.
RNf (a fragment): has now reached Union Pier. MI.
RNc: aka 'Barnie' is now in Canterbury waiting for a walk on the beach in Whitstable.