This is a story about the neighbour's barn. It is twice the size of the barn we dismantled and stored on the Ranch site in 2009 with Tom, Annamarie and Thijs (TAKT: barn 2). This one has no memory on paper though it very much exists on Googlemaps. There are no titles or deeds which identify its age, position, or type at the local council registry, its story is remembered and recalled in local conversation. The land surrounding it is no longer used for agriculture or grazing and the neighbour wishes that it moves to a new place before it decomposes any further. It is 50m from the Ranch boundary.
The neighbour's uncle and 1-2 others moved it from another position closer to the lake to this site some 100 years ago. He has a painting of it on its former site hanging in his cottage. The timber that it is built from has come from other redundant structures in the hamlet. The maker(s) style and signature of details is recognisable in other structures within a 10km radius; saunas, barns and other vernacular spaces etc.
2-7th November, 2012 we are going to survey this barn with its surrounding landscape with Matt & Will from scanlabprojects.
This is the first phase of potentially several phases of archiving this barn in its present position and state of material and spiritual being with the intention of moving it the 50+m to a new position inside the Ranch boundary, developing a new use, via the process of the light etched scan data to consider how it will be re-constructed. The aim is to engage with potential makers to use this data for re-crafting the barn as a material construction drawing, but we have to see what the weather offers us first that weekend and of course economic realities in post-production of the binary. These phases may be stretched out over a series of durations ranging from slow to slower, but we will be busy in the meanwhile, manufacturing strategies to enable this intention.
We are provisionally set-up to present some of this session's outcomes at The Vilnius Art Academy, on the 6th Nov, 2012.
I will be giving a short talk at Chelsea College of Art & Design, London on the 26th November, 2012 at 6pm as part of a series entitled 'From Process to Realisation' with the stories, film data, and potentials of other yet unforeseen engagements from this session.
We are provisionally set-up to present some of this session's outcomes at The Vilnius Art Academy, on the 6th Nov, 2012.
I will be giving a short talk at Chelsea College of Art & Design, London on the 26th November, 2012 at 6pm as part of a series entitled 'From Process to Realisation' with the stories, film data, and potentials of other yet unforeseen engagements from this session.