LTR Summer 2016: the summer session & 'stogine' live project

Our summer activity ended a few days ago. The entwined Summer Session with our archeological 'Stogine' endeavours fused over a wide landscape with milk lines, a shingler's chapel, a local sensory map, remembering smoke at the sauna, a revolving non-sitting bus-stop seat for 2 (a better title to come soon).
We inhabited the new Barn 2b with film evenings, as well as prep and assembly space/workshop.  A small selection of images below.

Thank you to everyone who participated, pitched in to help, cajoled and checked, checked and checked some more: Kristina, Sarah, Declan, Richard, Daniel, Elif, Lucy, Frannie, Yuan, Owain, Stasys, Ken, Fay, Gemma, Jeffrey and not in the photo: Stasys and Antanas.
Couldn't be a summer session without a hotpot it seems...

The catalogue will be launched at UAL Chelsea MA ISD exhibition show: 5th Sept from 5-9pm.